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In an effort to better serve our clients and simplify the billing experience, our firm offers credit card acceptance. Charge card information is confidential and is not retained by our Lerandeau & Lerandeau, LLP. By clicking “Submit Payment”, I acknowledge that I am paying for the legal fees of a client of this firm other than myself. I understand I will receive no direct benefit from this transaction or the legal services provided. I also understand I am waiving my right to dispute this charge with my bank for claims of services I did not receive or other similar claims of non-service to a cardholder.


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Consultation fees are paid using a different form.

Click continue to redirect to the correct payment page form. You can also navigate directly to the page by using the following link.

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Retainer Payment

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Billing Information
Payment Information

By clicking “Submit Payment”, you agree to pay the above amount and provide your information to help us process your payment and detect fraud. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information on our data practices. You also agree to all of the terms and conditions of our Third-Party Payment Authorization policy if you are paying on someone else's behalf. Please see our Third-Party Payment Authorization form for more information.